Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development

Resilience - Innovation - Sustainable Development Transparency – Organization – Meritocracy

Gestione integrata della fascia marina costiera: verso un modello di governance multilivello, trasparente e partecipata delle attività di pesca

Scientific Coordinator

Valentina Rossi

Objectives and contents

Coastal areas need to be safeguarded through innovative management approaches, aimed at addressing peculiarities and issues they raise in a comprehensive perspective and at overcoming conflicts between sectoral uses. In this context, it became clear the need for innovative management models and instruments based on an integrated and participatory approach such as Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), and integrated monitoring and surveillance systems. These instruments are adaptive, dynamic and interdisciplinary processes, aimed to promote an integrated territorial approach for coastal zones’ planning and management and to overcome the current sectoral and conflictual approach in resources management. They are not merely environmental policy instruments, they are part of the wider context of the “blue growth” which aims at promoting sustainable development of marine and coastal areas, fostering systematic and structured cooperation processes between policy-makers in different sectors and at all levels of government. These policy instruments embrace all economic activities, which take place in the coastal areas and determine an impact on them. The project focuses on a few issues and approach such as fisheries, marine protected areas, biodiversity conservation, human right based approach.

Research Group IRISS

Maria Patrizia Vittoria Natale Rampazzo Stefania Oppido Alfonso Morvillo Marco Fasciglione Gabriella Esposito Stefania De Simone Massimo Clemente Giovanni Carlo Bruno Antonio Coviello


Azione COST MarSafeNet – NETwork of experts on the legal aspects of MARitimeSAFEty and security; Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”; Università degli studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli; ISGI – CNR; Azione COST MarCons – Advancing Marine Conservation in the European and contiguous seas; Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi – Istituto GREEN (Centre for Geography, Resources, Environment, Energy and Networks); Regione Campania; ARPA Campania.

Featured scientific publications

  • Public participation in the context of marine protected areas: an analysis of official websites on MPAs in light of the Aarhus Convention standards
    2020 - Valentina Rossi

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  • Database Marcons - Public participation in the context of MPAs: an analysis of official websites on MPAs in light of the Aarhus Convention standards
    2020 - David Goldsborough, Cristina Pita, Valentina Rossi

    View item

  • Government Transparency and the right of access to information: evolving international and European standards and their implementation in the Italian legal system
    2019 - Valentina Rossi

    View item

  • The Universal Right to a Healthy Environment: «An Idea Whose Time Has Come?
    2019 - Valentina Rossi

    View item


Start 2016 | End 2022

Amount and source of financing

Totale finanziamento: 971.367,05 € – Quota CNR IRISS: 971.367,05 €. FEP Campania 2007 – 2013 Misura 3.5 (selezione di progetti di ricerca retrospettivi – Decreto Dirigenziale n. 84 del 06/06/2016).

Administrative reference


Administrative manager
