Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development

Resilience - Innovation - Sustainable Development Transparency – Organization – Meritocracy

Gabriella Esposito

Architect, PhD in Urban Planning and researcher at the CNR since 2001, she is Senior Researcher (2010) and member of the Scientific Board of IRISS since 2015.

She developed research activities since 1994 in national and international universities and in 2000 started coordinating research groups and projects regarding heritage-led urban regeneration, multicultural city, urban safety and security, cohesion policies for territorial balancing.

She is visiting scholar in European and USA universities and collaborates with several international research institutions. Since 2010 she is member of the AESOP TG Public Space and Urban Culture in which she has been coordinator (2015-2019) and is currently member of the Advisory Board.

Dissemination and exploitation activities have been developed through: books and journal articles, editor and reviewer activities, conferences: as organizer, chair, scientific committee and keynote. She is member of the Managing Board of the Italian Scientific Society of Urban Planners (SIU) in which she coordinates the Thematic Group on Marginalized and In-between areas.

Among others teaching activities, she is developing academic courses in Italian universities since 1996 and internationally, since 2012, within IRSES Marie Curie projects, PhD courses and international summer schools. She is member of the Academic Board of the International Doctorate Programme Urban Regeneration and Economic Development. Is 2013 she has been granted by the Ministry of University and Education of the Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale as Associate Professor in Urban Planning.

  • CLUDs – Commercial Local Urban District Programme


  • BESECURE – Best practice Enhancers for Security in Urban Environments


  • Ciclo della pesca resiliente in aree costiere di rilevante valore paesistico ed ambientale


  • Un approccio innovativo di rigenerazione place-based per bilanciare marginalizzazione e pressione antropica


  • Study and scientific research activities preliminary to the drafting of the Urban Plan of the Municipality of Camposano


  • Transition with Resilience for Evolutionary Development (TREND)


  • Elaborazione e adozione di modelli gestionali per la pesca sostenibile e la blue growth
    2023 - Rapporto di progetto (Project report) - Fatigati Luisa Esposito Gabriella


  • Report Ascolto Attivo del Territorio - Progetto di Urbanistica Partecipata InkCamp
    2023 - Rapporto di progetto (Project report) - Fatigati Luisa Boursier Luca Fierro Nicola Formato Enrico Giusto Rosa Maria Esposito Gabriella


  • TRANSITION WITH RESILIENCE. Users, Technologies, Resources
    2023 - Rapporto di progetto (Project report) - Gabriella Esposito De Vita, Marina Rigillo, Lina Bevilacqua, Giovanni Carlo Bruno, Giuseppe Pace


  • Report del percorso di ricerca-azione in Val d'Agri. Paesaggio, patrimonio culturale, comunità educante, ambiente e innovazione per le aree interne
    2023 - Rapporto di ricerca (Research report) - Gabriella Esposito De Vita, Stefania Oppido, Mario Paolucci, Fabrizio Clemente, Giovanni Carlo Bruno, Valeria Catanese, Luisa Fatigati, Ciro Romano, Fabrizio Pecoraro, Filippo Accordino, Paolo Landri, Luciano De Bonis, Giuseppe Pace, Pasquale Persico, Domenico Guida, Maria Scalisi


  • Intrapresa femminile e cura dei contesti: verso una mappa delle pratiche di genere a Napoli
    2023 - Articolo in rivista - Esposito De Vita G., Fatigati L., Oppido S.


  • Systematic Literature Review (SLR): an overview
    2023 - Key note o lezione magistrale - Stefania Ragozino, Stefania Oppido, Gabriella Esposito


  • Excursion in Naples of the RWTH Aachen University's UNESCO Chair for Cultural Heritage and Urbanism
    2023 - Key note o lezione magistrale - Stefania Ragozino, Gabriella Esposito


  • LP2 Lido Pola Laboratorio Permanente come esperienza di co-progettazione
    2023 - Presentazione - Napoletano F.; Cuntò S.; Russo L.; Ragozino S.; Esposito G., Vittoria M.P.


  • A Collaborative Approach for Triggering Environmental Awareness: The 3Rs for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Ulaanbaatar (3R4UB)
    2023 - Articolo in rivista - Esposito De Vita, G.; Visconti, C.; Ganbat, G.; Rigillo, M.


  • Peripheral, Marginal, or Non-Core Areas? Setting the Context to Deal with Territorial Inequalities through a Systematic Literature Review
    2023 - Articolo in rivista - Oppido, Stefania; Ragozino, Stefania; De Vita, Gabriella Esposito


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    Photo of Gabriella Esposito