Istituto di Ricerca su Innovazione e Servizi per lo Sviluppo

Resilienza - Innovazione - Sviluppo Sostenibile Trasparenza - Organizzazione - Meritocrazia

Science Technology and Innovation Policies for Sustainable Development Goals. Actors, Instruments and Evaluation. Eu-SPRI 2019 – Rome, 5/7 June

03 Giu 2019

The European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation is organising a Conference on “Science Technology and Innovation Policies for Sustainable Development Goals. Actors, Instruments and Evaluation” (Eu-SPRI 2019), hosted by CNR IRCRES (Research Institute for Sustainable Economic Growth), 5-7 June 2019 in Rome.

The Conference will be gathering scholars and practitioners to discuss inter alia social challenges, policy objectives, policy instruments, and research projects for the implementation of the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals.

Giovanni Carlo Bruno, researcher of CNR IRISS, has been selected for submitting a poster on “‘Intercultural’ Public Services Answering the Needs of the ‘Society in Change’ Using New Tools for Existing Services”. The poster deals with the issue of the use of international soft law  instruments to encourage changes in public services, in order to meet the needs for social cohesion in contemporary societies.
