Istituto di Ricerca su Innovazione e Servizi per lo Sviluppo

Resilienza - Innovazione - Sviluppo Sostenibile Trasparenza - Organizzazione - Meritocrazia

Online book launch: “Labour Migration in the Time of Covid-19”

The Summer School on Labour Migration in the European Union (EULab Summer School) is organizing the online launch of the book “Labour Migration in the Time of Covid-19: Inequalities and Perspectives for Change” (Cnr Edizioni, 2021), edited by Prof. Fulvia Staiano and Dr. Giulia Ciliberto, for 7 April 2021, at 10.00 on MS Teams.

The book aims to shine a light on the protection gaps unveiled by Covid-19 for migrant workers as well as on the strengths and weaknesses of States’ responses to the difficulties experienced by migrant workers worldwide during the pandemic.

The editors and the authors of the book will be joined by Prof. Fulvio Maria Palombino (University of Naples Federico II) and Dr. Giovanni Carlo Bruno (Cnr-Iriss), who will open the launch with introductory speeches.

The volume as well as the other volumes of the collection on ‘Migration and Development are available (open access) here:

For information on the event and on the Summer School on Labour Migration in the European Union (EULab Summer School):

Organizzato da:
Summer School on Labour Migration in the European Union (EULab Summer School)

Referente organizzativo:
Giovanni Carlo Bruno
CNR – Istituto di Ricerca su Innovazione e Servizi per lo Sviluppo

Modalità di accesso: ingresso libero MS Teams

Vedi anche:

Online book launch: "Labour Migration in the Time of Covid-19"


10:00 - 16:15


Modalità, Online