Post-graduate Scholarships Programme

Tourism Innovation For Resilience

The Maurice Strong Legacy

Would you like to spend a year in beautiful Naples and collaborate with some of the top Tourism Research Institutions for:

Studying innovative responses to the challenge of Tourism Impact on Climate Change?

Exploring sustainable travel behavior in historic cultural heritage destinations?

Working on Content Management applied to Knowledge Transfer in Tourism?

Then, you may be eligible for one of three scholarships awarded by CNR-IRISS, SUNx and t-FORUM, which fund this Programme to enhance the awareness of Tourism Stakeholders on Climate Change.

The successful applicants will receive an amount equal to 9.000€, paid in six instalments. No other expenses will be charged on the budget of the Programme.

Candidates can apply only for one position.

In addition, 60 top applicants will be enrolled in the SUNx lifetime learning program.

The scholarships holders will work at CNR-IRISS in Naples.

Important dates

  • Deadline for application: 15 September 2018
  • Winners announcement: 15 October 2018
  • Starting Scholarship: 15 January 2019

Winners of the three positions deriving from the evaluation procedure

  • Sustainable Behavior of Cultural Heritage Visitors: Yachen Zhang
  • Impact-Travel and Climate Resilience: Sharareh Khosravi-Haftkhani
  • Social Media and Knowledge Transfer in Tourism: Jamie Chen