Scientific Coordinator
Giovanni Carlo Bruno
Objectives and contents
“SIRC – Servizi interculturali Regione Campania” is a multi-action project co-financed by the Ministry of Interior of Italy – Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2015-2017). It aims at improving the level of public services for third-Countries nationals, increasing also inter-cultural competences of public officers.
Specific Objectives of the Project are:
- To strengthen inter-cultural competences of Public Services’ officers working in Campania, and having direct contact with migrants, assigned to information and/or orientation services;
- To promote innovation in organizational processes, ameliorating reception and integration, stimulating inter-cultural reorganization of Institutions and Public Services involved, with the purpose of facilitating the access to services of foreign citizens;
- To promote networking and communication among officials of Public Services directed to third-Countries nationals, to optimize the use of public and private resources, and to strengthen the quality of services, focusing them on the needs and the specificities of foreign users;
- To promote the involvement of the foreign citizens in organizational and decision-making processes.
To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the following activities will be carried out:
- Advanced Training Courses on Inter-cultural Tools for Communication, for officers of Public Services in Campania;
- Thematic Sessions dealing with the issue of impact of the migrants on the local society;
- Desk of Linguistic and Cultural Mediation, including legal advice, for Public Services;
- Pilot Action, for the re-planning of Services with an inter-cultural approach.
Research Group IRISS
Featured scientific publications
In progress
Start 2017
End 2018
Amount and source of financing
Administrative reference
FONDO ASILO, MIGRAZIONE E INTEGRAZIONE (FAMI) 2014-2020 OS2/ON2: “Potenziamento delle competenze degli operatori pubblici in materia di servizi per l’integrazione dei migranti”
Administrative manager