Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development

Resilience - Innovation - Sustainable Development Transparency – Organization – Meritocracy

Techniques for monitoring, controlling and managing the building/plant system” – Task CNR IRISS within METRICS project “Methodologies and Technologies for the Management and Requalification of Historic Centers and Buildings

Scientific Coordinator

Stefania Oppido

Objectives and contents

METRICS is an industrial research project aimed at developing innovative methodologies and technologies to foster sustainability and safety in historic city centers by a multidisciplinary approach. Technologies for smart communities, cultural heritage and sustainable building are the field of investigation.

Within the research objective OR4 “Development of methodologies for sustainable rehabilitation of historic centers” (resp. CNR ITABC), IRISS is responsible for the task “Techniques for monitoring, control and management of the building/plant system”. The specific objective of the IRISS Research Unit’s activity is the in-depth study of the state of the art related to advanced technologies for the management of the building/plants relationship, with particular reference to historic buildings. The activities are supported by designing and testing a monitoring system for assessing indoor conditions in a selected historic building in order to highlight critical performance to be addressed through retrofit interventions, compatible with the protection of the historical and cultural values of built heritage.

Prototyping and testing phase of the monitoring system are developed with TME (Test and Manufacturing Engineering) and ETT S.p.A, companies participating in the project.

Research Group IRISS

Stefania Ragozino Eleonora Giovene Di Girasole


TME (Test and Manufacturing Engineering), ETT S.p.A., Ing./Eng. Giuseppina De Luca

Featured scientific publications

  • Sistemi di monitoraggio ambientale applicati ai centri storici: il caso studio di Palazzo De Leo di Frigento
    2021 - Oppido S., De Luca G., Ianniello G., D'Angelo P., Napolano L.

    View item


Start 2015 | End 2017

Amount and source of financing

Importo totale finanziamento € 1.979.093,39, Importo finanziamento per Unità Operativa IRISS € 80.000. PON03PE_00093_5, progetto attuato sui fondi PON R&C 2007-2013 dal Distretto Tecnologico STRESS. Unione Europea; Fondo di Rotazione (Co-finanziamento nazionale).

Administrative reference

PON Ricerca e Competitività- Asse 1 -Sostegno ai mutamenti strutturali. Obiettivo Reti per il rafforzamento del potenziale scientifico-tecnologico delle Regioni della Convergenza, Capofila STRESS S.c.a.r.l.

Administrative manager
