Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development

Resilience - Innovation - Sustainable Development Transparency – Organization – Meritocracy

Diritti Umani, Innovazione e Sfide globali (DUIS)

Scientific Coordinator

Valentina Rossi

Objectives and contents

The subject of the research activity is the impacts that major social, environmental and technological changes are having on the protection, promotion and evolution of human rights in the international legal system and in national legal systems. The Project intends to analyse and assess how these changes affect the relevant rules, instruments of implementation, institutional frameworks and control mechanisms, and the role played by different state and non-state actors. The issues investigated include the human right to a healthy environment and the role this right may play in addressing inequalities and (domestic and international) conflicts related to disparities in access to resources. More broadly, the Project aims at analysing the role of human rights in protecting the common interest of humankind in conservation and sustainable management of “common goods” such as biodiversity, oceans’ health, climate, and food security.

The final purpose of the research Project is to carry out an in-depth analysis and to assess the potential solutions and solutions adopted in various international fora to meet the challenges posed by the sustainable management of these “common goods”, to identify critical issues and to support state and non-state actors in the identification and implementation of innovative, equitable, inclusive solutions at different government levels.

Research Group IRISS

Giovanni Carlo Bruno Marco Fasciglione Natale Rampazzo


Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”; Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi – Istituto GREEN (Centre for Geography, Resources, Environment, Energy and Networks); ISGI – CNR; AssIDMer (Association Internationale de Droit de la Mer); University of Basel; Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di scienze Politiche; Mare Vivo ONLUS.

Featured scientific publications

In progress


Start 2024 | End 2028

Amount and source of financing

Finanziato con fondi interni (residui attivi).

Administrative reference


Administrative manager
