Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development

Resilience - Innovation - Sustainable Development Transparency – Organization – Meritocracy

Collection ‘Business and human rights’

The Collection brings together collected volumes, research reports and other publications concerning legal studies on business and human rights. The publications are edited by researchers, associated scholars and other experts who participate in the research activities of the Institute.

Business and human rights study area analyses the impact of business activities on human rights in the light of the most recent evolution of international standards and of the adoption in 2011 of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Guiding Principles have rapidly become the main reference standard at the international level for States, businesses, International Organisations, civil society, etc., and have inspired the process of development of national and supranational legislation aimed at addressing human rights violations occurring globally in the context of business operations of companies.

Guida all’applicazione della due diligence d’impresa in materia di diritti umani per gestire la crisi da coronavirus

Il ruolo della futura normativa UE sulla due diligence obbligatoria in materia di diritti umani e ambiente nella filiera agro-alimentare

I Principi Guida ONU su imprese e diritti umani
CNR Edizioni 2020