Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development

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E-Course International Administrative Law

Nova School of Law has launched the first edition of the E-Course International Administrative Law.

The E-Course will be held from 20 October to 17 November in by-distance modality. The course is meant to provide students, diplomats, lawyers, researchers in this field of law or anyone who would like to pursue an international career in international organisations,.an overview of the immunities and privileges of international organisations, how their internal justice systems are structured, how they work and challenges faced, as well. It also helps to identify the relevant case-law in this field and the major concerns related to sexual abuse and exploitation in the context of international organisations and UN peace Keep missions and employment context. The status of whistleblowers and how they are granted protection. Speakers to the Course include renewed scholars, jurists and member of judicial bodies of International Organizations.

Marco Fasciglione, researcher of international law and human rights law at Cnr-Iriss has been invited as guest speakers of the Course. He will hold a lecture on ILOAT case-law on fundamental rights.

For infos, on the modalities of enrolment and for registration, please visit the website of the Course at:

Organizzato da:
Nova School of Law – Lisbon (Portugal)

Referente organizzativo:
Marco Fasciglione
PI of the Project “Corporate human rights and environmental due diligence e la promozione della COrporate REsponsibility” (CO.RE)

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito

Vedi anche:

E-Course International Administrative Law


9:30 - 18:00


Modalità, Online